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About the prompter

Kaoru is my Japanese middle name, but I am born and raised in China and then mostly the U.S. I spent most of that childhood speaking a broken pidgin of languages that nobody could understand except my grandfather. Since then, I’ve spent my entire career in technology, although my interests are so unspecialized that I’ve technically have had my writing published in a book. People parted with their material wealth in order to read what I wrote, and may do so again in the near future, which baffles me. In my non-paid time, I’m a Discord moderator for a comedian and lots of people who play video games. I spend my time poorly, but always with mirth. Wanna hang out???


If you have questions about me or the arrangements I’ve created, I’ll post the answers here.

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Prompt engineering (AI generated text to image art) and technology.


Kaoru likes technology, writing, and prompt engineering for AI generated art (in order of competency).